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Lilith | Christina Vincent
Tremors jolted the woman’s body as she slowed her sprint and came to a halt at the water’s edge, the rolling waves growing gentler as they approached the shore and lapped at her bare toes. Sweat-matted hair clung to her neck, and she shivered in the slight breeze. The ache between her legs and the slow trickle of blood down her thighs brought fresh tears springing to her eyes, and she waded slowly into the water, easing herself down once she could sit waist-high. The salt stung, but she stretched her legs out in front of her and crossed her arms over her breasts with closed eyes, letting the fading sunlight trace the contours of her lithe form.She could still taste him in her mouth, feel his rough hands forcing her down even as she screamed and pleaded with him, the knee that forced her legs open and the teeth marking her smooth skin while he worked himself into a frenzy. Her tongue darted across her lip to touch the small cut from when she’d bitten it to hold back the sobs when he took her. The little whimpering noises that had leapt from her throat had somehow been worse. “You are fit only to lie beneath,” he’d said as he shoved himself inside her until she’d thought she’d break in two, “for I am the superior.”“I will not lie below,” she whispered, drawing her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. “We are both made from the clay.” Her forehead dipped down and her shoulders shook, muscles in her arms and shoulders twitching with brief spasms. “We are equal.”“You were never his equal,” a soft voice said behind her, and she snapped her head around, eyes wide and wild. The creature standing on the shore was tall and broad like Adam, but dark where he had been fair. The eyes shining in the soft face threatened to spill over. Adam’s eyes would never well with tears. “You were never his equal,” the creature said again, taking a slow step forward and reaching his hand out to her. “He was never worthy of you, beloved Lilith.”She dried her eyes with the back of her hand and huddled around herself again. “God made me for him.”“But He would not save you, my love.” The creature moved slowly until he was beside her and sat in the water. The inky wings brushed against her bare shoulder, and his finger drifted across her arm. “I will never let anyone hurt you again.”“Who are you?” She turned to face him, and the darkness in his eyes tugged at her soul.“Another cast out, as were you, for refusing to submit to one who is not my better.” He cupped her face in his hands and laid his lips against hers, tracing her cheeks with his thumbs. “You are so beautiful,” he breathed into her mouth. “Come with me and I will make you an empress. A goddess.”Lilith trembled. “I will not submit to you.”“Nor would I ask you to, my love.” He kissed her forehead and each cheek. “You are no man’s lesser. I would worship you. You will never be forced again.”Her shoulders shook as she nodded, and he pressed his mouth to hers again, hesitant until she let her hands wander up his strong arms and wrap around his neck. He swallowed her screams as the wings erupted from her back, splitting the skin and sending a spray of blood and flesh into the cool water as the bones knitted together and grew. He held her tight against his chest while she howled in pain, murmuring, “I am so sorry, my love, it will be over soon,” as he rocked her.
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  Lilith | Christina Vincent Ar.chly 0 159 ۲۶-۰۳-۹۴، ۰۷:۴۸ ب.ظ
آخرین ارسال: Ar.chly

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